Why you shouldn’t start a solo business. . .

Amplifying Success

Your Solo Leader Newsletter

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Why you shouldn't start a solo business

Pick a reason to count yourself out . . .

👉 I don’t want flexibility

👉 I don't want control over my schedule

👉 I don't want to build something I own

👉 I'm not seeking personal fulfilment doing something I love

But, why are so many considering becoming a #soloprenuer in 2024?

🌟 It's cheaper to start

🌟 Technology is making it easy to launch

🌟 You can experiment until you feel ready to switch

⚡️The real reason people think twice about it ⚡️

Seven Traits for Success

Trait One - “Customer Centric”

A customer-centric mindset elevates outstanding leadership by demonstrating that you value customer outcomes in favour of whom you deliver work.

Without this trait, how you operate may result in services, products or deliverables that you feel and think are good but miss the mark.

Take the time to understand who you serve and how they need you, and obsess over meeting their needs - it will pay off 10x.

Trait Two - “Agility”

Those who can adjust their approach in an instant are seen as agile.

Agility enables you to flex and tweak your approach, tactics or game plan when you uncover compelling information or signals that require adjustments.

This doesn’t mean you should flippantly change your course or journey; it means you should be ready to do so when a data point, experiment or clear feedback points to a necessary course correction.

Trait Three - “Focused”

This seems obvious, but today, many of us are distracted by pings, notifications, noise, surroundings and even our minds.

It takes a strong mindset and being deliberate to create the time, space and environment to focus truly.

Recognising what triggers your distractions is a critical first step. Then, by removing the physical, digital and mental components, you will practice healthy focus traits that make you more productive.

Trait Four - “Tech Adapter”

You don’t need to be a coder to have Tech proficiency. You do need to take the time to find what technologies help elevate your effectiveness.

The leaders of the future know what, when, and how technology serves to amplify your delivery.

Make time to research or ask others in your solo domain what tech they use. It’s the ones who know the right combinations of tech that elevate and automate their success the most.

Trait Five - “Deliberate”

Being clear and concise in your decision-making ensures you take better-calculated risks.

Taking better informed calculated risks results in minimising rework or emotional choices.

Sometimes, it might slow your reactivity, but balancing this with not procrastinating will save time in the long run.

This doesn’t mean all your decisions will be correct/result in perfect outcomes. It means you learn to be more objective, critical and sure.

Trait Six - “Experimental”

Being innovative or open to evolution enables breakthrough, adaptive or disruptive thinking.

If you lead experimentation with controlled, deliberate and measured outcomes, you can better confirm which experiments prove or disprove a theory, concept or test case.

The electric lightbulb didn’t come about from the continuous improvement of a candle. It did take someone thinking, how can I experiment and create something new and better = experimental leadership.

Trait Seven - “Embracing”

Having embracing tendencies requires one to be an active listener. Being an active listener requires an open mindset.

Once you recognise you might not have all the answers as a leader, you better become supportive of other perspectives.

Having different perspectives removes group thinking and, therefore, allows intellectual friction

You don't need to have all these traits.

You do need to use them all the time.

By recognising your natural traits,

And shifting them when needed,

You will help elevate your success to become the leader you deserve to be.

See you next week!

Matt Atherfold

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